Sunday, October 31, 2010

Going Deeper to Reach Higher

If you read back to my first post then you know that this whole blogging experience began as an uncharacteristic impetuous decision, which, by the way, I don't regret. But as time has gone by I have been asking myself a lot of questions about what this blog is really supposed to be. What should my focus be? Who is reading this and what is it I want them to get out of it? I know that I want to encourage others, but in what area do I want to focus my encouragement? If I believe that this is an assignment, then how do I fulfill that assignment? Successful blogs (blogs that people actually want to read!) come out of the writer's passion and experience. What is my passion and what experiences do I have to share that make my blog unique and make it worth someone else's time?

I focused on the name "Real Life" because I want to share my honest self with you. I am in search of a more original name, but I don't want to change that purpose. What is my purpose in sharing my real life with you? My journey of self discovery may aid you in your journey of self-discovery. The only way to mature in life is to be honest with ourselves about who we really are and who we want to be. As we discover our strengths we learn how to achieve our God-given destiny. As we discover our weaknesses we learn how to overcome them, if possible, or accept them as a reminder that we can't be or do everything and we need help.

I initially named my blog "A Work in Progress" because I needed to come up with a name in order to continue the template, but then I thought about how life is a work in progress. My life. Your life. We are all a work in progress. I want this blog to reflect my progress. I want to be honest about what I am struggling with or thinking about. I want to share what I have learned or am learning through this working out of life. The truth is we are all trying to "arrive" and we won't get there until we draw our last breath. As we realize that others are on the same journey, facing similar inner obstacles, we begin to accept ourselves as we are, while continuing to work towards who we can be.

When I write I see a broad audience. I have a lot that I could say to women, but I don't think I am blogging just for women. Maybe some day I might start another blog just to encourage women to be all they can be beyond artificial boundaries, but I don't believe that is the purpose of this blog. I am a Christian. My faith is the driving force behind everything I do, say or think, but I don't believe I am supposed to write for a "Christians-only" audience.

So, who am I writing for? I am writing for you. You are reading this today. You are the one I write for. You are the one I want to encourage to be all you can be and do all that you were created to do. I want to encourage you that it's okay to examine yourself and acknowledge that you have faults and weaknesses. I want to encourage you that being honest with yourself about who you are is the first step to finding out who you were meant to be. The current URL for my blog is When I settle on a new name I will change the URL to reflect it, but I don't want to change that purpose either. I am believing for the best in you. I know that you have a Creator who intends you to fulfill your life-purpose and to be fulfilled in that process. I believe that, like a seed, all that you are meant to become is hidden inside you and in the right conditions you will grow beyond anything you can imagine.

So, like this blog, like me, you are a work in progress. The best is yet to be written about you and me. Let's share the journey together and go deeper inside ourselves so that we can reach higher in achieving all that we are meant to be.

1 comment:

  1. Love the statement about the only way to mature is to be honest with ourselves! Amen!!
