Sunday, September 26, 2010

Your Esther Moment

     Did you ever wonder if you were really making a difference in the world? Maybe you know that nagging feeling that you should be more or do more, like you aren't doing enough that really matters. As we get older perhaps that question looms larger. When we realize that there are more days behind than there are before, we start to wonder if our existence on this planet has had any lasting impact. I want to submit to you that it has, but that you are probably looking in the wrong place for the evidence. We Americans have an implied understanding that if it isn't big, loud, fast, beautiful or famous it doesn't count. Well, I believe that we are wrong. I submit that your greatest influence and lasting impact is right where you are spending your life at this moment. Let's call it "Your Esther Moment."
     Have you ever heard the phrase "for such a time as this"? When I hear that phrase I think of the Bible book of Esther. Esther was a beautiful young Jewish girl who caught the eye of the king of Persia and became queen. When the Jews were threatened with annihilation by their enemies, Esther's surrogate father, Mordecai, encouraged her to go to the king and plead for her people. He told her "And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?” (Esther 4:14) Esther did go to the king and her people were saved. She was in the right place at the right time and did the right thing for the right reason, even at her own risk. She used her influence where she was and made a difference.
     We all have a desire to make a difference. I believe that is born into each one of us. God-designed, if you will. It says in the book of Ecclesiastes that "...He has set eternity in the hearts of men..."  This desire for eternity is what drives people on to do something that lasts. Some strive for fame or to accomplish a feat of great importance. Whatever it is, we each want to feel that we have done something that goes beyond ourselves.
     It may be that you have come to your current position "for such a time as this". Your current position may be as a stay-at-home mom, or at a seemingly obscure job. Perhaps you see yourself doing something big and important and wonder when that is going to come about. Your greatest influence and most lasting impact may be in raising that child or helping that co-worker through a difficult time. Your "Esther moment" may be as a listening ear for a grieving neighbor, or a care-giver to an aging parent. Your "Esther moment" may be happening over and over in the little things you do that improve the lives of those around you. You are in the right place at the right time so that you can do the right thing for the right reason.
There are few things that really matter in life and even fewer that make an eternal difference. Don't miss your "Esther moment". It could be happening... right now.


  1. Cathleen: Thanks for that reminder, as I am one who always feel like I can never do enough.... I feel God is speaking to me through your writings. It is very encouraging to me... I look forward to your next post... Peace, Joanne B

  2. Spending years looking for "the next thing" has taught me "the next thing" is right in front of me. You have lived that with me and love you for it! me

  3. Joanne, I think you have commented each time I have written. Thanks for taking the time. May the Lord continue to use my musings.
    Dearest Tom, Life with you has always been an adventure and I love it!
