Sunday, February 12, 2012

Circumstances beyond our control

Ever feel like life is just swirling around you? Events seem to cascade by before you can really process them. Things you never imagined could happen begin to happen. Before you realize it, life as you know it is completely changed. Sometimes those changes are for the better and other times...

My place of work is in a time of tremendous upheaval. Unanticipated changes are occurring and more are on the way. People's lives are being drastically changed and the ripples of their changes affect the whole community. The hard part for all involved, from those delivering the changes to those receiving them, to everyone affected by them, is that no one really feels like they have control.

It's really tempting to try to fix blame. I hear many people trying to blame someone for the challenges we are all facing. I've even caught myself trying to find someone to blame. It's easier for me to fix blame on a nameless, faceless "entity" than on a person or people, but really, in the end, what good does it do any of us to fix blame? It gives us a place to direct our anger because we feel like something wrong is happening, but does it really solve anything? I suppose by being able to direct anger it gives us some sense of control, but the truth is, we have none. That is, we have no control over the circumstances.

At the end of the day, however, there is one area each of us does have control over. We each have control over our own attitude and our own responses to these circumstances beyond our control. I, for one, don't want to allow these swirling circumstances to keep me afraid or angry. I want to face each new challenge with faith that in the end I can grow from whatever difficulty I personally face, and that somehow these circumstances can work for the good of each person affected. I want to be someone that others can lean on while we all face difficulties. I don't want anger or bitterness to keep others away from me or cause them additional pain.  I can be a source of continued anguish and reignited anger or I can be a source of help, comfort and healing.  My choice is made. That's what I have control over.

Scripture encourages us to "weep with those who weep", but also that God is "the god of all comfort" and with the comfort He gives we can comfort others. As I face these circumstances beyond my control, I want to find and give comfort and hope rather than spout anger and blame. You may be facing your own tornado of change right now, your own "circumstances beyond your control". I pray that you will find and give comfort, hope and healing in the midst of your trial.

Blessings, Friend.

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